Promt Expert Giant v7.8(專業的翻譯軟體)
Promt Expert Giant v7.8(專業的翻譯軟體)
@promt Expert 7.8 is the most advanced translation software system available, equipping users with a comprehensive
set of professional-grade customization tools that enable fine-tune intelligent translation of output documents.
The system integration capabilities, including those with SDL TRADOSR and, for ultimate convenience, with Microsoft
OfficeR, Internet ExplorerR, and Adobe AcrobatR make it the ideal system for translation agencies and organizations
working extensively with multilingual information.
Enhance human translation throughput up to 70%.
The effective co-operation between two high-end translation tools – @promt Expert 7.8 machine translation and TRADOS
Translation Memory enables to increase dramatically translation progress of a human translator within the same time
Translate from within your favorite applications
Full-featured translation tools integrate directly into Microsoft Office applications (WordR, OutlookR, ExcelR,
PowerPointR and FrontPageR), Adobe Acrobat ReaderR, Adobe Acrobat 5.0-8.0, and Internet Explorer 5.x-7.x.
Adjust program options to meet your requirements.
The extensive set of professional customization options, delivered with the software allows tuning and saving translation
settings to be applied further for a single or a group of similar documents.
Get instant access to text in image files.
The built-in ReadIRISR OCR software makes it possible to extract, convert and translate text embedded in image files
(JPEG, GIF, TIFF, even PDF).
Supported languages
@promt Expert 7.8 translates between the following languages; the figure alongside each language set shows the number
of words and phrases supported in the main application. This number can be expanded with topic-oriented dictionaries.
Minimum Hardware Requirements:
IBM PC-compatible computer with Pentium 166 processor or higher
64 Mb of RAM
340 Mb of hard disk space
SVGA or better video adapter
CD-ROM drive (for installation)
mouse or other pointing device
Software Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 98/Me/NT with SP6/2000/XP/Vista
(Russian language translation support requires Russian operating system software to enable the use of Cyrillic fonts)